Planning An Organic Flower Garden

If you’re planning to start an organic flower garden, you might be a little stumped when it comes to choosing flowers. Although there’s no such thing as a bad choice of flowers, there are some choices that can take your garden from okay to simply magnificent. Consider these simple tips when you’re trying to choose which beautiful blooms you want for your organic garden.

How to start an Organic Garden for Beginners

Step 1: Planning Your Organic Garden

Before going out and purchasing plants and flowers for your garden, there are a few things to consider. Sit down with pen and paper and allow yourself time to set out a plan for your new organic flower garden. Take into account the amount of sunlight your garden area gets, as this will determine what types of flowers and plants you can grow. The amount of space is also important to determine how high or wide your plants are going to grow; how many you need and what sort of flowers and shrubs that you can grow.

Step 2: Preparing Your Flower Beds

Preparing Organic Flower Bed

The condition of your soil is very important to get right to be able to grow healthy flowers. It can be very helpful to get a sample of your soil tested to determine what soil type you have and what nutrients that maybe lacking in your soil. You can get a kit and test it yourself or you can get it tested professionally. If you pay someone to do it for you, they will be able to give a recommendation on what you need to add to your soil to improve its profile. You need to tell them that you are planning on growing an organic garden, so that they give you the correct advice.

Adding compost to your garden is a good idea, you can either make your own or purchase organic compost from a garden supplier. Compost is very important for healthy plant growth and when added it improves the structure of the soil, it adds nutrients and makes an environment that encourages worms and other micro-organisms that are good for the soil. Adding compost also improves the drainage and aeration of the soil. Adding compost to your garden is going to improve what ever soil type you have.

Step 3: How to Water Your Organic Garden

Keeping your flowers and plants healthy means making sure that they have enough moisture. So before planting your plants consider setting up an automatic watering system, maybe dripper or soaker. It is a good idea not to have too much water getting onto the foliage, which can lead to disease. By setting up an automatic watering system you can set it to early in the morning on set days, thus reducing evaporation and also ensuring that the garden gets watered regularly.

Step 4: Choosing the Best Organic Flowers for Your Garden

Best Organic Flowers for Your Garden

Now comes the fun part. Once you get an idea of what types of organic flowers, you’re able to grow, it’s time to think about what types you’d like to grow. Using the plan, you drew up early you can now choose what flowers to grow. Try framing sunflowers with ground covering plants that will flourish in the shade of the taller plants around them. Pay attention to the colors of the blossoms and arrange them in a pleasing manner. Use your imagination here, feel free to plan a garden with a strict outline, featuring only blue and yellow flowers. Or let your brain and your garden run wild, with bursts of random color everywhere. It’s up to you.

Step 5: Planting Your Garden

Before planting your garden, set your pots out in the positions of your plan to make sure it is going to look the way you planned. Follow the instructions on the label to plant in the recommended way. One you have finished planting all of your plants water them in well. The first few weeks after planting you will need to water and fertilize regularly, allowing them to settle into their new environment.

Step 6: Managing the Weeds

As you are creating an Organic Garden you will not want to use any chemicals to control your weeds and damaging bugs. So, the best way to do this is to regularly pull weeds out as they appear, possibly once a week so that they don’t get too big and out of control. You can do this by hand or you could use a hoe or other gardening tools.

Applying organic mulch can also reduce the number of weeds that grow. When applying mulch be careful not to get to close to the base of the plant, allowing it to get air and water. Mulch on your garden is also good to help it retain moisture, by reducing evaporation.

Organic Gardening

Keep in mind that the first year of an organic flower garden is only the beginning. If you truly want to enjoy your garden to the utmost, try to plant perennials that will return next season. That will give the plants a year to mature and gain strength, and with a little luck, you’ll be surprised each year with a flourishing flower garden that gets stronger and brighter as time goes by.